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About Us

International Family Agency - About Us

We provide a unique advantage bringing together the best in third party parenting programs.

International Family Agency, LLC. was founded with a foundational goal to conveniently, seamlessly and transparently provide the highest quality egg donors to intended parents while providing the utmost in fertility care.

Our egg donors are only made available for matching after a rigorous screening and testing process has been approved.

Located with a successful, very established fertility center, the International Family Agency team work diligently to be compassionate support partners throughout their journey resulting in selfless, life-changing miracles.

Whether you are considering becoming an egg donor or if you are an intended parent, International Family Agency provides a unique advantage bringing together the best in third party parenting programs.

For more information, please contact us via our secure online contact form.

We look forward to working with you!

Contact International Family Agency. Los Angeles egg donation and surrogacy agency.

Helping recipients realize the dream of having a child through the gift of egg donation or surrogacy.